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Author maggyero
Recipients gvanrossum, maggyero, rhettinger
Date 2022-04-05.11:59:09
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
> Anthony Sottile provided this search to showing that at least a few popular projects are using the one argument form of super():

Thanks for the link. But it gives lots of false positives. Only two popular projects (> 1k stars) use autosuper (urwid and evennia):*super%5C%28.**

The remaining projects use one-argument super incorrectly, as `super(cls).method()`, which looks up the method directly on class `super`:*

It is either a loud bug, which raises an `AttributeError`:

>>> class A:
...     def f(self): pass
>>> class B(A):
...     def f(self): super(B).f()
>>> B().f()
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "<stdin>", line 2, in f
AttributeError: 'super' object has no attribute 'f'

Or worse with `super(cls).__init__()` (99% of the cases), it is a SILENT bug, which call the constructor of class `super` instead of the parent constructor, leaving the object in an incompletely initialized state:

>>> class A:
...     def __init__(self): print('hello')
>>> class B(A):
...     def __init__(self): super(B).__init__()
>>> A()
<__main__.A object at 0x10926e460>
>>> B()
<__main__.B object at 0x10926e520>
Date User Action Args
2022-04-05 11:59:10maggyerosetrecipients: + maggyero, gvanrossum, rhettinger
2022-04-05 11:59:10maggyerosetmessageid: <>
2022-04-05 11:59:10maggyerolinkissue44090 messages
2022-04-05 11:59:09maggyerocreate