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Author sam_ezeh
Recipients ethan.furman, michael.foord, palaviv, pitrou, r.david.murray, sam_ezeh
Date 2022-03-27.10:19:58
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
The provided patch wasn't entirely compatible with the current upstream code. I used the patch file to apply the changes to `Lib/unittest/`, resolved the remaining conflicts with the patches to the test files and amended existing tests for the library.

I updated the documentation for unittest to reflect the changes in behaviour.
Date User Action Args
2022-03-27 10:19:58sam_ezehsetrecipients: + sam_ezeh, pitrou, r.david.murray, michael.foord, ethan.furman, palaviv
2022-03-27 10:19:58sam_ezehsetmessageid: <>
2022-03-27 10:19:58sam_ezehlinkissue14265 messages
2022-03-27 10:19:58sam_ezehcreate