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Author snoopyjc
Recipients snoopyjc, steven.daprano
Date 2022-03-08.01:21:08
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
My recommendation would be to add a keyword parameter, defaulting to False, to name(), something like give_full_alias, or maybe errors=“give_full_alias” like the IO functions.

In the meantime, as the author of perllib, I had to make my own dict to return to the user the same thing perl does, which is the full alias for these.
Date User Action Args
2022-03-08 01:21:08snoopyjcsetrecipients: + snoopyjc, steven.daprano
2022-03-08 01:21:08snoopyjcsetmessageid: <>
2022-03-08 01:21:08snoopyjclinkissue46947 messages
2022-03-08 01:21:08snoopyjccreate