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Author push-f
Recipients docs@python, push-f
Date 2022-02-28.17:33:33
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
As per [1] the py:data directive describes data in a module.
It should not be used for submodules, that's what the module directive is for. A side-effect that this is causing is that msilib.schema,     msilib.sequence and msilib.text do not show up in the Python Module Index[2] as they should.

[2]: file:///home/martin/repos-contrib/cpython/Doc/build/html/py-modindex.html#cap-m
Date User Action Args
2022-02-28 17:33:33push-fsetrecipients: + push-f, docs@python
2022-02-28 17:33:33push-fsetmessageid: <>
2022-02-28 17:33:33push-flinkissue46884 messages
2022-02-28 17:33:33push-fcreate