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Author andreash
Recipients andreash, ncoghlan, serhiy.storchaka, vbrozik, yselivanov
Date 2022-02-23.15:24:26
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
Inside the discussion an ExitPool class is sketched (, which provides this removal of context managers.

What I learned is that this would have different cleanup mode (atexit style), as compared to present ExitStack cleanup (nested style). 

So contrary to what I was originally thinking ExitPool functionality would be close to, but not a strict superset of ExitStack functionality. Still such an ExitPool functionality would be extremely useful.
Date User Action Args
2022-02-23 15:24:26andreashsetrecipients: + andreash, ncoghlan, serhiy.storchaka, yselivanov, vbrozik
2022-02-23 15:24:26andreashsetmessageid: <>
2022-02-23 15:24:26andreashlinkissue45184 messages
2022-02-23 15:24:26andreashcreate