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Author Vladimir Feinberg
Recipients Vladimir Feinberg
Date 2022-02-04.19:25:23
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
I have a request related to the rejected proposal ( to introduce a ceildiv operator.

I frequently find myself wishing for a ceildiv function which computes `ceil(x/y)` for integers `x,y`. This comes up all the time when "batching" some resource and finding total consumption, be it for memory allocation or GUI manipulation or time bucketing or whatnot.

It is easy enough to implement this inline, but `math.ceildiv` would express intent clearly.

# x, y, out: int

# (A)
import math
out = math.ceil(x / y)  # clear intent but subtly changes type, and also incorrect for big ints

# (B)
out = int(math.ceil(x / y))  # wordy, especially if using this multiple times, still technically wrong

# (C)
out = (x + y - 1) // y  # too clever if you haven't seen it before, does it have desirable semantics for negatives?

# (D)
out = -(-x//y) 

def ceildiv(a: int, b: int) -> int:  # Clearest and correct, but should my library code really invent this wheel? 
  """Returns ceil(a/b)."""
  return -(-x//y)

out = ceildiv(x, y)

Even though these are all "one-liners", as you can see leaving people to complex manually-implemented `ceildiv`s might result in bugs or unclear handling of negatives.
Date User Action Args
2022-02-04 19:25:23Vladimir Feinbergsetrecipients: + Vladimir Feinberg
2022-02-04 19:25:23Vladimir Feinbergsetmessageid: <>
2022-02-04 19:25:23Vladimir Feinberglinkissue46639 messages
2022-02-04 19:25:23Vladimir Feinbergcreate