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Author sobolevn
Recipients kj, mscastanho, sobolevn
Date 2022-01-25.15:34:29
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
These lines seem suspicious:

0:09:12 load avg: 6.37 Re-running failed tests in verbose mode
0:09:12 load avg: 6.37 Re-running test_typing in verbose mode (matching: setUpClass)

1 re-run test:

1 test run no tests:

Probably this happens because the failure is in `setupClass` method, not in a test.

When it try to rerun this, it does not do anything. And happily ends the suite.
Date User Action Args
2022-01-25 15:34:29sobolevnsetrecipients: + sobolevn, mscastanho, kj
2022-01-25 15:34:29sobolevnsetmessageid: <>
2022-01-25 15:34:29sobolevnlinkissue46519 messages
2022-01-25 15:34:29sobolevncreate