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Author barneygale
Recipients FFY00, barneygale, ethan.furman, jaraco
Date 2022-01-02.00:01:25
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
If you're only aiming for Traversable compatibility, sure.

The original bug description asks for something that's pathlib-compatible and similar to zipfile.Path, which goes beyond the Traversable interface in attempting to emulate pathlib.Path.

The pathlib.Path interface is a good one - I see no reason it can't apply to zip and tar archives in full. Methods of Path objects already raise NotImplementedError if operations aren't supported (e.g. creating symlinks)

Some prototyping from a couple years back, including a tar path implementation:
Date User Action Args
2022-01-02 00:01:26barneygalesetrecipients: + barneygale, jaraco, ethan.furman, FFY00
2022-01-02 00:01:26barneygalesetmessageid: <>
2022-01-02 00:01:26barneygalelinkissue45649 messages
2022-01-02 00:01:25barneygalecreate