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Author barneygale
Recipients FFY00, barneygale, ethan.furman, jaraco
Date 2022-01-01.21:34:37
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
It's possible to do, but will be a little slow due to the nature of tar files. They're a big linked list of files, so you need to do a bunch of reads/seeks from the start to the end to enumerate all files.

I'd ask that we try to get issue24132 solved first. That would let us write:

    class Path(pathlib.AbstractPath):
        def iterdir(self):
        def stat(self):

We'd fill in a smallish number of abstract methods to get a full `Path`-compatible class with `read_text()`, `is_symlink()` etc methods.
Date User Action Args
2022-01-01 21:34:37barneygalesetrecipients: + barneygale, jaraco, ethan.furman, FFY00
2022-01-01 21:34:37barneygalesetmessageid: <>
2022-01-01 21:34:37barneygalelinkissue45649 messages
2022-01-01 21:34:37barneygalecreate