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Author iamdbychkov
Recipients docs@python, iamdbychkov
Date 2021-12-18.09:07:00
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
Currently, documentation for QueueListener ( says:
supports receiving logging messages from a queue, such as those implemented in the queue or multiprocessing modules.

While also saying that we can use queue.SimpleQueue as an underlying queue:

The queue is not required to have the task tracking API, which means that you can use queue.SimpleQueue instances for queue.

I think it should also say that neither queue.SimpleQueue nor multiprocessing.SimpleQueue instances will work if your intended use of QueueListener is to receive logging messages from processes spawned by multiprocessing module. One should use multiprocessing.Queue instance.

usage of queue.SimpleQueue will result in pickle exception.
multiprocessing.SimpleQueue lacks the API QueueListener expects from queue.

English is not my first language so I'll step aside from PR's in documentation :)
Date User Action Args
2021-12-18 09:07:00iamdbychkovsetrecipients: + iamdbychkov, docs@python
2021-12-18 09:07:00iamdbychkovsetmessageid: <>
2021-12-18 09:07:00iamdbychkovlinkissue46121 messages
2021-12-18 09:07:00iamdbychkovcreate