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Author terry.reedy
Recipients asper, epaine, ned.deily, ronaldoussoren, serhiy.storchaka, terry.reedy
Date 2021-12-17.19:21:22
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
IDLE is neither the Python it is written it, nor the tkinter module it depends on.  For this tracker, this is at most a tkinter on macOS 12 issue.  But I suspect that it is an issue of the 3rd party tcl/tk on the new macOS version.  There have been others.  Perhaps someone else can test on earlier macOS.  (I verified that the code works as intended on Win 10 with Tk 8.6.12.)

I am not sure of your intention in half-closing this issue.  But, does adding 'root.update_idletasks()' to the end of 'change' make any difference?
Date User Action Args
2021-12-17 19:21:22terry.reedysetrecipients: + terry.reedy, ronaldoussoren, ned.deily, serhiy.storchaka, epaine, asper
2021-12-17 19:21:22terry.reedysetmessageid: <>
2021-12-17 19:21:22terry.reedylinkissue46117 messages
2021-12-17 19:21:22terry.reedycreate