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Author steve.dower
Recipients christian.heimes, nedbat, pablogsal, saaketp, steve.dower, vinay.sajip
Date 2021-12-14.12:57:53
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
In-reply-to <>
Or possibly that error is coming from the attempt to copy it? And since 
both executable and base_executable don't have the 3/3.x suffix, the 
copy is failing because the "real" binary does have the suffix.

This could be corrected in with a platform-specific quirk 
that searches for suffixed binaries for base_executable, but for 
performance reasons I think we'd prefer to have that check in venv so 
that it doesn't impact every single launch of CPython.

The actual binary could also be added to pyvenv.cfg as another value - 
parsing that out in is now considerably easier for someone to 
add than it used to be.
Date User Action Args
2021-12-14 12:57:53steve.dowersetrecipients: + steve.dower, vinay.sajip, christian.heimes, nedbat, pablogsal, saaketp
2021-12-14 12:57:53steve.dowerlinkissue46028 messages
2021-12-14 12:57:53steve.dowercreate