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Author cool-RR
Recipients cool-RR, docs@python, iritkatriel
Date 2021-12-05.17:49:09
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
The new __note__ feature for exception could be useful, but the documentation (and the section in "What's new") aren't good enough:

"__note__: A mutable field which is :const:`None` by default and can be set to a string. If it is not :const:`None`, it is included in the traceback. This field can be used to enrich exceptions after they have been caught."

This is more of a definition than an explanation. If this is solving a problem, there should be an explanation that starts from the problem being solved, hopefully with 2-3 examples where this is useful. If people start using this feature without some guidance, they might put things in the note that should have been in the message.
Date User Action Args
2021-12-05 17:49:09cool-RRsetrecipients: + cool-RR, docs@python, iritkatriel
2021-12-05 17:49:09cool-RRsetmessageid: <>
2021-12-05 17:49:09cool-RRlinkissue45990 messages
2021-12-05 17:49:09cool-RRcreate