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Author vstinner
Recipients arhadthedev, erlendaasland,, lemburg, mark.dickinson, rhettinger, vstinner
Date 2021-12-01.13:29:03
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
I updated my ./ script to ignore files generated by Cython.

On PyPI top 5000, I only found 16 projects impacted by the PEP 674 (16/5000 = 0.3%):

* datatable-1.0.0
* frozendict-2.1.1
* guppy3-3.1.2
* M2Crypto-0.38.0
* mecab-python3-1.0.4
* mypy-0.910
* Naked-0.1.31
* pickle5-0.0.12
* pycurl-7.44.1
* PyGObject-3.42.0
* pysha3-1.0.2
* python-snappy-0.6.0
* recordclass-0.16.3
* scipy-1.7.3
* zodbpickle-2.2.0
* zstd-

I ignored manually two false positives in 3 projects:

* "#define __Pyx_SET_SIZE(obj, size) Py_SIZE(obj) = (size)" in Cython
* "* Py_TYPE(obj) = new_type must be replaced with Py_SET_TYPE(obj, new_type)": comment in psycopg2 and psycopg2-binary
Date User Action Args
2021-12-01 13:29:04vstinnersetrecipients: + vstinner, lemburg, rhettinger, mark.dickinson,, erlendaasland, arhadthedev
2021-12-01 13:29:04vstinnersetmessageid: <>
2021-12-01 13:29:04vstinnerlinkissue45476 messages
2021-12-01 13:29:03vstinnercreate