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Author brett.cannon
Recipients VA, brett.cannon, dstufft, erlendaasland, eschwartz, hauntsaninja, mcepl, mgorny, njs, pradyunsg, skoslowski, xtreak, yan12125
Date 2021-11-17.18:37:26
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
> I'd love it if we could make this happen for Python 3.11. What can I do to help, e.g. would it be helpful if I drafted a PEP?

A PEP isn't necessarily required right now as needs to be resolved by the steering council first (it's on our agenda).

> Several projects have switched to using tomli (, which is fully compatible with TOML v1.0.0 and is maybe 800 LoC with claimed 100% branch coverage.

Part of the issue with tomli is how new it is; shows it is only 6 months old and we typically require a project be at least a year old before we consider pulling it in.

If you want to help you could ask the author of tomli what they think about it being added to the stdlib and whether they support that idea.
Date User Action Args
2021-11-17 18:37:26brett.cannonsetrecipients: + brett.cannon, mcepl, njs, mgorny, dstufft, pradyunsg, yan12125, eschwartz, VA, xtreak, skoslowski, erlendaasland, hauntsaninja
2021-11-17 18:37:26brett.cannonsetmessageid: <>
2021-11-17 18:37:26brett.cannonlinkissue40059 messages
2021-11-17 18:37:26brett.cannoncreate