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Author jkrupp
Recipients docs@python, jkrupp
Date 2021-11-05.13:46:16
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>

the documentation for the shared_memory module states that "shared memory refers to “System V style” shared memory". However, I believe it might be clearer to talk about "POSIX style shared memory" here instead.

Primed by the "System V style"-comment, I had expected that shared memory blocks could be identified through a numeric ID (as used by the system V shared memory APIs `shmget`, `shmat`, ...). After looking at the implementation it became clear though, that the newer POSIX-API (`shm_open`, `shm_unlink`, ...) is used, which explains why shared memory blocks have a *name* instead.

Technically, the documentation only uses "System V style" to distinguish it from "distributed shared memory", and further states that "[it] is not necessarily implemented explicitly as such". Yet, this distinction is particularly relevant if memory is to be shared with other (non-python!) processes (although placement of shared_memory in the multiprocessing package might indicate that that is not one of its expected use-cases...)
Date User Action Args
2021-11-05 13:46:16jkruppsetrecipients: + jkrupp, docs@python
2021-11-05 13:46:16jkruppsetmessageid: <>
2021-11-05 13:46:16jkrupplinkissue45728 messages
2021-11-05 13:46:16jkruppcreate