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Author Fred
Recipients Fred, asvetlov, eric.araujo, gstarck, terry.reedy, yselivanov
Date 2021-11-02.09:55:43
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
I don't care what async framework is used, nor do I care if its a x86 or ARM, or if its Windows or Linux.

I don't want to have to setup an async runner because it is boilerplate code, and it brings concern into my application which is outside of the domain of my application.

In JavaScript, I can just call await fetch() or any other asynchronous function without having to pick and configure a async runtime.

On .NET it is also very easy, just await a function at the top-level without declare any runtime either.

Python is suppose to be a high-level language. Programmers should focus on their domain, not underlying things such as which runtime to use, which garbage collector to use, etc.
Date User Action Args
2021-11-02 09:55:43Fredsetrecipients: + Fred, terry.reedy, eric.araujo, asvetlov, gstarck, yselivanov
2021-11-02 09:55:43Fredsetmessageid: <>
2021-11-02 09:55:43Fredlinkissue45625 messages
2021-11-02 09:55:43Fredcreate