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Author stef
Recipients stef
Date 2021-10-14.16:42:55
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
I noticed that there is a difference between intervals when computed from timedeltas vs timestamps. Is this a bug? Thanks!

In [2]: import datetime as datet
In [3]: d0 = datet.datetime(2016,3,27)
In [4]: d1 = datet.datetime(2016,3,28)
In [5]: (d1-d0).total_seconds()/3600
Out[5]: 24.0
In [6]: (d1.timestamp()-d0.timestamp())/3600
Out[6]: 23.0
Date User Action Args
2021-10-14 16:42:55stefsetrecipients: + stef
2021-10-14 16:42:55stefsetmessageid: <>
2021-10-14 16:42:55steflinkissue45470 messages
2021-10-14 16:42:55stefcreate