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Author cliechti
Date 2002-06-23.00:37:32
SpamBayes Score
Marked as misclassified
Sometimes one wants a Queue that doesn't block forever on a get() 
or put(). Both should be able to return after a certain time, acting like 
they were called non-blocking and failed. i.e get() raises the Empty 
exception when it times out, put() raises Full.

This patch 
adds optional timeout arguments to these methods.
The old 
'block' arg is left and behaves 100% like in the old days (backwards 
compatibility). The new feature appears only when 'block' is true 
and 'timeout' is a positive number.

The new code is basicaly 
a merge between the original's put() and get() and's 
_Event.wait() --- code that's proven to work, 
nothing realy new here.

I also added some simple tests to 
the script for the new feature.
Date User Action Args
2007-08-23 15:13:48adminlinkissue572628 messages
2007-08-23 15:13:48admincreate