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Author joperez
Recipients joperez
Date 2021-10-09.21:37:56
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
`types.UnionType` is not subscriptable, and this is an issue when type manipulations are done.

A common maniputation I've to do is to substitute all the `TypeVar` of a potential generic type by their specialization in the given context.
For example, given a class:
class Foo(Generic[T]):
    bar: list[T]
    baz: T | None
in the case of `Foo[int]`, I want to compute the effective type of the fields, which will be `list[int]` and `int | None`.
It could be done pretty easily by a recursive function:
def substitute(tp, type_vars: dict):
    origin, args = get_origin(tp), get_args(tp)
    if isinstance(tp, TypeVar):
        return type_vars.get(tp, tp)
    elif origin is Annotated:
        return Annotated[(substitute(args[0], type_vars), *args[1:])]
        return origin[tuple(substitute(arg) for arg in args)]  # this line fails for types.UnionType

And this is not the only manipulation I've to do on generic types. In fact, all my library (apischema) is broken in Python 3.10 because of `types.UnionType`.
I've to substitute `types.UnionType` by `typing.Union` everywhere to make things work; `types.UnionType` is just not usable for dynamic manipulations.

I've read PEP 604 and it doesn't mention if `types.UnionType` should be subscriptable or not. Is there a reason for not making it subscriptable?
Date User Action Args
2021-10-09 21:37:56joperezsetrecipients: + joperez
2021-10-09 21:37:56joperezsetmessageid: <>
2021-10-09 21:37:56joperezlinkissue45418 messages
2021-10-09 21:37:56joperezcreate