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Author gaborjbernat
Recipients bskinn, docs@python, gaborjbernat, lukasz.langa
Date 2021-10-07.00:54:33
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
Here's a gist where I managed to detect roughly 140 errors (some looks like potential false positive, so likely the real number is more around 100):

This does make a few concessions:
- ignores the difference between function and method; way to many functions are documented as methods and vice-versa to disallow this (or would be a major overhaul)
- is documented under python domain but IMHO should be C
- is documented under python domain but IMHO should be C
- does not clarifies where to type classes goes - they seem to be a weird in-between a method and a class, satisfying neither - see related discussion on topic from
Date User Action Args
2021-10-07 00:54:33gaborjbernatsetrecipients: + gaborjbernat, docs@python, lukasz.langa, bskinn
2021-10-07 00:54:33gaborjbernatsetmessageid: <>
2021-10-07 00:54:33gaborjbernatlinkissue45391 messages
2021-10-07 00:54:33gaborjbernatcreate