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Author chovey
Recipients chovey
Date 2021-09-30.15:54:52
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
We used get/set attribute accessors with private data, and suspect the beaviour we see with the += operator contains a bug.  Below is our original implementation, followed by our fix.  But, we feel the original implementation should have worked.  Please advise.  Thank you.

    def position(self) -> np.ndarray:
        return self._position

    def position(self, val: np.ndarray):
        self._position = val

    def update(self, *, delta_t: float):
        # Nope! Bug! (?)  
        # Tried to combine the getter and setter for self.position
        # with the += operator, which will not work.
        # self.position += self.velocity * delta_t
        # This fixes the behaviour.
        self._position = self.velocity * delta_t + self.position
Date User Action Args
2021-09-30 15:54:52choveysetrecipients: + chovey
2021-09-30 15:54:52choveysetmessageid: <>
2021-09-30 15:54:52choveylinkissue45333 messages
2021-09-30 15:54:52choveycreate