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Author twouters
Date 2001-04-05.21:34:04
SpamBayes Score
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Logged In: YES 

I cannot reproduce this with 2.1-CVS, but I am not able to
test this on RedHat 6.2 right now. It could be a limits
problem. If the original submittor is reading this: try
doing an 'unlimit' or 'ulimit -a' before running the script.
If it still crashes, please paste one of the tracebacks. I
do get IOErrors and some weird crashes when I run the above
script with lower filedescriptor limits, but not on the
f.close() call. 
Date User Action Args
2007-08-23 13:53:41adminlinkissue410608 messages
2007-08-23 13:53:41admincreate