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Author terry.reedy
Recipients terry.reedy
Date 2021-09-04.21:16:59
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
There were reports on a previous issue that attempting to display some characters from some linux fonts in some distributions resulted in crashing Python.  The crash reports mentioned XWindows errors about particular characters being too complex or something.  I did not open an issue for this because it seemed beyond the ability of tkinter/IDLE to predict and handle. reported that requesting the IDLE settings window resulting in IDLE hanging.  The user used my print debug suggestion to determine that the problem was in at
    self.fontpage = FontPage(note, self.highpage)

The user first thought the issue was with a chess font, and then determined that the problem font was the phaistos font from  The font has the symbols from the Cretan Linear A script on the Disk of Phaistos. This issue is about

1. Try to reproduce the issue by downloading and installing Phaistos.otf (right click on the file and click Install).

2. If successful, trace the problem to a specific line within the FontPage class.

3. Determine whether Python code can prevent the hang or if it is completely in other code.  (Either way, perhaps report to tcl/tk.)

... To remove, "open Control Panel -> Fonts then locate and select Phaistos Regular font then proceed with clicking Delete button."

I did not select 'test needed' because we cannot routinely install new fonts and I am not sure of how to do an automated test if we could.
However, I would add a note as to how to do a manual test.

font.otf = OpenTypeFont, used on Windows, Linux, macOS.
It might be good test on other systems after Windows.
Date User Action Args
2021-09-04 21:16:59terry.reedysetrecipients: + terry.reedy
2021-09-04 21:16:59terry.reedysetmessageid: <>
2021-09-04 21:16:59terry.reedylinkissue45103 messages
2021-09-04 21:16:59terry.reedycreate