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Author methane
Recipients Mark.Shannon, corona10, gvanrossum, methane, pablogsal
Date 2021-09-01.08:22:44
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
@Pablo This issue seems an optimization rather than bugfix.
But since Python 3.10 produces more unused constants than 3.9, this is a regression.

GH-28109 removes not all unused constants, but only trailing unused constants.
I think it is enough to fix the regression.

I want to backport it to 3.10 or 3.10.1 after Mark's review.
Date User Action Args
2021-09-01 08:22:44methanesetrecipients: + methane, gvanrossum, Mark.Shannon, corona10, pablogsal
2021-09-01 08:22:44methanesetmessageid: <>
2021-09-01 08:22:44methanelinkissue45056 messages
2021-09-01 08:22:44methanecreate