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Author joelgibson
Recipients joelgibson
Date 2021-08-09.22:58:30
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
I've come here while investigating a segfault when datetime.replace(...) was called with a Pandas Timestamp object:

The Python implementation of datetime.replace
is polymorphic, in the sense that if a custom object like pd.Timestamp is passed in, a pd.Timestamp will come out rather than a datetime. This works just fine (copying and using Python code makes this segfault disappear). 

The C implementation is also polymorphic
but I think that something in the C implementation is wrong: eventually tp_alloc gets called for the passed type, but never tp_new, and then afterwards the custom type is treated just like a regular datetime. In the pd.Timestamp case, there are some extra fields that only get set in the __new__ method, leading to a segfault later when they're accessed.

I'm not familiar enough with the C/CPython interface (especially object setup and initialisation) to tell where a fix for this should go, I would assume that the line
should be replaced by a call to PyObject_new(Py_TYPE(self), ...), or something similar.

This also affects date.replace and time.replace.
Date User Action Args
2021-08-09 22:58:31joelgibsonsetrecipients: + joelgibson
2021-08-09 22:58:31joelgibsonsetmessageid: <>
2021-08-09 22:58:31joelgibsonlinkissue44876 messages
2021-08-09 22:58:30joelgibsoncreate