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Author andrei.avk
Recipients Anthony Sottile, andrei.avk, gaborjbernat, serhiy.storchaka, ssbarnea
Date 2021-08-01.15:19:43
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
I haven't looked too much into typing module, so take this with a grain of salt, but my understanding is that TypedDict is a special construct (as the first sentence in the docs defines it), which can be used as a base. I think most users would consider something a kind of a class if it can be inherited from by a user-defined class, so this classification in the docs is useful.

Normally functions can't be used as a base of course. There's no "inheritable from" abc or anything like that and functions are not inherited from "function type". You generally don't care if something is a function, you care if it's a callable and test for that with `callable()`.

So in a sense a function is the most inherently duck typed object in Python.

The only way for a specific check of a function type is AFAIK type(known_function) == type(myobj), but this type of checking is discouraged.

So static checkers that run into a problem with this are probably assuming too much about what a function is or should be in Python.

To sum up, TypedDict is a kind of a construct between a class and a function that's more usefully documented as, and used as, a class. The docs make it very clear that it's not your usual, run of the mill class.
Date User Action Args
2021-08-01 15:19:43andrei.avksetrecipients: + andrei.avk, ssbarnea, serhiy.storchaka, Anthony Sottile, gaborjbernat
2021-08-01 15:19:43andrei.avksetmessageid: <>
2021-08-01 15:19:43andrei.avklinkissue41973 messages
2021-08-01 15:19:43andrei.avkcreate