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Author pavel-lexyr
Recipients eric.smith, pavel-lexyr, rhettinger
Date 2021-07-28.21:31:16
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
Touche. Another advantage a namedtuple has is that it can expand out of the box - i.e., can write something like

> for x, y, z in namedtuple_list:

without any list comprehensions.

Can we bring those advantages into the dataclass while also preserving the interface? Maybe a special version of the implementation behind the scenes, something similar to what C++ does with bool vectors.
Date User Action Args
2021-07-28 21:31:17pavel-lexyrsetrecipients: + pavel-lexyr, rhettinger, eric.smith
2021-07-28 21:31:17pavel-lexyrsetmessageid: <>
2021-07-28 21:31:17pavel-lexyrlinkissue44768 messages
2021-07-28 21:31:16pavel-lexyrcreate