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Author pablogsal
Recipients aleneum, docs@python, jack__d, nascheme, pablogsal, pitrou, rhettinger
Date 2021-06-29.17:31:47
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
Just also to be clear on my original message, reverting it to a previous behaviour would disallow some patterns that could be useful:

>>> class A:
...   ...
>>> a = A()
>>> d = {a: None}
>>> weakref.proxy(a) in d

But I agree is better to revert back in any case
Date User Action Args
2021-06-29 17:31:47pablogsalsetrecipients: + pablogsal, nascheme, rhettinger, pitrou, docs@python, aleneum, jack__d
2021-06-29 17:31:47pablogsalsetmessageid: <>
2021-06-29 17:31:47pablogsallinkissue44523 messages
2021-06-29 17:31:47pablogsalcreate