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Author iritkatriel
Recipients Mariatta, aeros, dankreso, grzgrzgrz3, iritkatriel, jacksonriley, nanjekyejoannah, vstinner, yselivanov
Date 2021-06-22.10:45:07
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
There is actually one usage outside of the tests: Lib/

There is a note in the doc saying " The aiosmtpd package is a recommended replacement for this module. It is based on asyncio and provides a more straightforward API. smtpd should be considered deprecated."
Date User Action Args
2021-06-22 10:45:07iritkatrielsetrecipients: + iritkatriel, vstinner, yselivanov, grzgrzgrz3, Mariatta, nanjekyejoannah, aeros, jacksonriley, dankreso
2021-06-22 10:45:07iritkatrielsetmessageid: <>
2021-06-22 10:45:07iritkatriellinkissue28533 messages
2021-06-22 10:45:07iritkatrielcreate