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Author pablogsal
Recipients lys.nikolaou, pablogsal, wyz23x2
Date 2021-06-05.19:46:03
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
> Is this expected?

Yes, is an edge case of python identifiying two tokens together except that there is no space:

>>> 3 4
  File "<stdin>", line 1
    3 4
SyntaxError: invalid syntax. Perhaps you forgot a comma?

I honestly don't share your concerns that these things are "misleading". The caret is pointing to the token that is incorrect 0777. The tokenizer errors always point at the end of the token (we still have not implemented ranged errors for the tokenizer).

This is true in all the cases you present.
Date User Action Args
2021-06-05 19:46:04pablogsalsetrecipients: + pablogsal, lys.nikolaou, wyz23x2
2021-06-05 19:46:04pablogsalsetmessageid: <>
2021-06-05 19:46:04pablogsallinkissue44317 messages
2021-06-05 19:46:03pablogsalcreate