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Author jackjansen
Date 2002-04-03.21:16:42
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Logged In: YES 

Donovan, two comments-on-your-comments:
- You're absolutely right about the module names. Pickle also uses names, and it's probably the only way to do it.
- You're also absolutely right about how to update the _elemdict and _propdict.

Or, as Jean-Luc Picard would say: "Make it so!" :-)

Oh yes, on the production code/merging problem: aside from Martin's comments here's another tip: make a copy of the subtree that contains the conflict section (why not the whole Mac subtree in your case) and make sure you keep the CVS directories. Start hacking in this copy. Once you're satisfied do a commit from there. As long as you keep the CVS directory with the files there's little that can go wrong.
Date User Action Args
2007-08-23 15:12:00adminlinkissue538395 messages
2007-08-23 15:12:00admincreate