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Author loewis
Date 2002-04-03.09:29:44
SpamBayes Score
Marked as misclassified
Logged In: YES 

cvs update will keep a copy of the original file (the one
you edited) if it has to merge changes; it will name it
.#<file>.<version>. So in no case cvs will destroy your
changes. Normally, merging works quite well. If it finds a
conflict, it will print a 'C' on update, and put a conflict
marker in the file. The stuff above the ===== is your code,
the one below is the CVS code.

If you want to find out what cvs would do, use 'cvs status'.

If you don't want cvs to do merging, the following procedure
will work

cvs diff -u >patches
patch -p0 -R <patches
cvs up
patch -p0 <patches

Notice that the last patch may report rejected hunks in case
of conflicts.
Date User Action Args
2007-08-23 15:11:59adminlinkissue538395 messages
2007-08-23 15:11:59admincreate