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Author dsposx
Date 2002-04-03.06:50:29
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Logged In: YES 


Thanks a lot for your comments! You're right on target on most of them.

Not sure why I didn't make a context diff this time -- last time it was screwed up, I thought it was because of that, but it was really just the tabs vs spaces issue. cvs is still very new and ugly to me.

I did indeed manually apply your patches to my tree, because I was afraid of what an update would do to the production code that my boss would kill me if broke... I'll do an update on another machine and reapply the patches to that checkout. Is there any way I can get a log of what the update has done to my files, so I can check them manually?

Hmm. I hadn't thought about passing the module itself; how would I get a reference to a package from inside of that package's From aetools, I can get away with saying __import__(modulename), but inside of, what do I use to get a reference to the module that is initializing?

Finally, after thinking about it a bit, Fourth and fifth points may be better solved by a construct like this:

(applescript type bar inherits from foo)

bar._elemdict = copy(foo._elemdict)
bar._elemdict.update({ dict of new keyword/class mappings })

This has the advantage of flattening out the inheritance tree again, since all elements and properties each class needs to know about are in it's own copy of _elemdict and _propdict, and therefore no Python inheritance relationship needs to be made.

I had wanted to build the inheritance heirarchy properly, and dynamically look through bases, because it was "cool" but in retrospect, speed is more important :-)

Date User Action Args
2007-08-23 15:11:59adminlinkissue538395 messages
2007-08-23 15:11:59admincreate