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Author jheiselman
Recipients jheiselman, steven.daprano
Date 2021-04-29.21:42:22
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
The netrc file has no formal standard, but the following supports the claim of its conventional naming.

Excerpt from
"Makes curl scan the .netrc (_netrc on Windows) file in the user's home directory for login name and password."

Excerpt from
"On a Mac, UNIX, or Linux system the netrc file should be named .netrc (dot netrc) and on Windows it should be named _netrc (underscore netrc)."

And a 9+ year old stack overflow post indicating that the use of _netrc on Windows is quite well established and has been for some time. I know it's not authoritative, but it does establish the length of history for this.
Date User Action Args
2021-04-29 21:42:22jheiselmansetrecipients: + jheiselman, steven.daprano
2021-04-29 21:42:22jheiselmansetmessageid: <>
2021-04-29 21:42:22jheiselmanlinkissue43980 messages
2021-04-29 21:42:22jheiselmancreate