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Author rhettinger
Recipients John Hagen, benjamin.peterson, docs@python, rhettinger, stutzbach
Date 2021-04-19.23:25:56
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
Let's leave the example as-is.   The principal use case for these objects is to pass them into other APIs that require file-like objects.  Those can't always be put in a context manager.  For this example, we mainly want to communicate that getvalue() must be called before the object is closed.  The current form communicates that clearly.

Thanks for the suggestion.
Date User Action Args
2021-04-19 23:25:56rhettingersetrecipients: + rhettinger, benjamin.peterson, stutzbach, docs@python, John Hagen
2021-04-19 23:25:56rhettingersetmessageid: <>
2021-04-19 23:25:56rhettingerlinkissue43834 messages
2021-04-19 23:25:56rhettingercreate