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Author vreuter
Recipients rhettinger, vreuter
Date 2021-04-18.04:25:35
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
Got it, I see. I guess I'd prefer to be able to control the expectation about argument number through the keyword, without changing the option name, but I understand if the other way (as implemented) is preferred. Can you clarify, though, or direct me in the docs, the distinction in the number expectation between "one or more" vs. "two or more?" What does it mean for "two or more" to be expected (for nargs='*') if there's no parse error thrown even when the option's entirely omitted?
Date User Action Args
2021-04-18 04:25:35vreutersetrecipients: + vreuter, rhettinger
2021-04-18 04:25:35vreutersetmessageid: <>
2021-04-18 04:25:35vreuterlinkissue43876 messages
2021-04-18 04:25:35vreutercreate