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Author methane
Recipients bkline, docs@python, methane, python-dev
Date 2021-04-09.02:51:51
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
You are misreading the error message. 

> RuntimeError: PyPI's XMLRPC API is currently disabled due to unmanageable load and will be deprecated in the near future. See for more information.

This error message says "PyPI's XMLRPC API" is disabled and will be deprecated. It doesn't say `pip search` command is disabled and will be deprecated.

Removing or reimplement `pip search` is discussed in this issue:

Anyway, I am +1 to remove it from the tutorial.
Date User Action Args
2021-04-09 02:51:51methanesetrecipients: + methane, bkline, docs@python, python-dev
2021-04-09 02:51:51methanesetmessageid: <>
2021-04-09 02:51:51methanelinkissue43777 messages
2021-04-09 02:51:51methanecreate