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Author Athanasius
Recipients Athanasius
Date 2021-04-06.12:57:38
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
I excitedy thought that you closing this issue meant that Python 3.9.3 or 3.9.4 had the newer TCL and this fixed.

Sadly not.  I've just had GitHub build a fresh executable using Python 3.9.4 (as evidenced by `Running on Python v3.9.4 (tags/v3.9.4:1f2e308, Apr  4 2021, 13:14:17) [MSC v.1928 32 bit (Intel)]` in our logging) and this is still broken.

Out of a set of three radio buttons only the last is correctly scaled up when first viewed, the other two not being scaled up.  When I changed tab (a notebook) and back, even that third one is now not scaled up.

Any idea when Python will include a fixed TCL ?
Date User Action Args
2021-04-06 12:57:38Athanasiussetrecipients: + Athanasius
2021-04-06 12:57:38Athanasiussetmessageid: <>
2021-04-06 12:57:38Athanasiuslinkissue41969 messages
2021-04-06 12:57:38Athanasiuscreate