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Author ned.deily
Recipients allenlili, ned.deily
Date 2021-04-04.16:14:02
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
From the config.log you supplied, it looks the macOS system you are running on was upgraded to the current latest version, 11.2.3, but the Command Line Tools were not. It seems that with recent macOS releases, you often need to do that manually for each bugfix release.  Try:

  xcode-select --install

If successful, you should see currently:

  cc --version
     Apple clang version 12.0.0 (clang-1200.0.32.29)
Date User Action Args
2021-04-04 16:14:02ned.deilysetrecipients: + ned.deily, allenlili
2021-04-04 16:14:02ned.deilysetmessageid: <>
2021-04-04 16:14:02ned.deilylinkissue43724 messages
2021-04-04 16:14:02ned.deilycreate