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Author thomaswamm
Recipients thomaswamm
Date 2021-03-16.06:13:13
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
Comparing performance of a Tkinter graphics program with Python 3.9.2 on an M1 Mac Mini, I find it to be slower than earlier versions, and much slower than the same program running on other computers such as a Raspberry Pi 3B (Python 3.7.3).

Initial investigation suggests the slow down is because of Tk 8.6.11.
The same program on Windows 10 on Intel i5-8250U is at least 10x faster, contrary to expectations.

Has anyone noticed similar?

The program is simple & portable, downloadable from:
All it does is 2-D orbital mechanics simulation, to teach me Python.
Date User Action Args
2021-03-16 06:13:14thomaswammsetrecipients: + thomaswamm
2021-03-16 06:13:14thomaswammsetmessageid: <>
2021-03-16 06:13:14thomaswammlinkissue43511 messages
2021-03-16 06:13:13thomaswammcreate