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Author bcohen
Recipients bcohen, docs@python, vinay.sajip
Date 2021-01-28.20:17:01
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
When using the logging module to add a new handler, the documentation doesn't mention the ability to set the name of the handler. It turns out that it's actually a supported feature by using:


I'd suggest updating the documentation to indicate the ability to set the name of the handler. It'd be very nice if the name was settable in the constructor of the Handler class. This could be done by including an optional `name` argument that defaults to None:

    class Handler(Filterer):
        def __init__(self, level=NOTSET, name=None):
            self._name = name

I noticed the problem when trying to call logging.config.dictConfig with a config which specified a handler (it crashes: `ValueError: No handler found with name 'my_handler'`).

I initially thought to manually alter the _handlers directly since the docs didn't indicate how to set the name. After digging into the source code I found the undocumented `set_name` function.
Date User Action Args
2021-01-28 20:17:02bcohensetrecipients: + bcohen, vinay.sajip, docs@python
2021-01-28 20:17:02bcohensetmessageid: <>
2021-01-28 20:17:02bcohenlinkissue43058 messages
2021-01-28 20:17:01bcohencreate