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Author petr.viktorin
Recipients Mark.Shannon, gvanrossum, petr.viktorin, vstinner
Date 2021-01-28.12:38:51
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
When we're talking just about API, not the stable ABI (which contains only a few structs), reordering and additions should be fair game.

> Rather than go through this tortuous analysis for all headers, it might be better to document which structs are part of the API.

Yup. I'm trying to do this for stable ABI/limited API, and it's unfortunately taking quite a long time.
Date User Action Args
2021-01-28 12:38:51petr.viktorinsetrecipients: + petr.viktorin, gvanrossum, vstinner, Mark.Shannon
2021-01-28 12:38:51petr.viktorinsetmessageid: <>
2021-01-28 12:38:51petr.viktorinlinkissue43054 messages
2021-01-28 12:38:51petr.viktorincreate