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Author mowgli
Recipients desmondcheongzx, mowgli, rudiejd
Date 2021-01-08.07:55:37
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
You are right.

Generally I have the installation on devuan Linux, the unstable tree.

But... In 2019-03-13 I started to patch this file as many python scripts started to fail due to the fact that they had the find_spec implemented. This was still true in Apr 2020, when I had to renew the patch. And let me say, many failed; not only the egg part.

I don't know where I found the patch at first but it worked now for nearly two years. I did revert it now and for the moment, the scripts that I remember was failing, seems to work now.

Let me say that this find_spec/find_module stuff is (or was) a bit of a mess.
Date User Action Args
2021-01-08 07:55:37mowglisetrecipients: + mowgli, desmondcheongzx, rudiejd
2021-01-08 07:55:37mowglisetmessageid: <>
2021-01-08 07:55:37mowglilinkissue42818 messages
2021-01-08 07:55:37mowglicreate