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Author steven.daprano
Recipients minipython, steven.daprano
Date 2020-12-29.12:21:01
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
I cannot replicate that. On my computer, I can compute pow(c, e) in approximately two minutes using Python 3.9:

>>> from time import time
>>> t = time(); a = pow(c, e); time()-t
>>> math.log10(a)

Can you give more information please?

- exact version number used
- OS
- how much memory?
- if you leave pow(c, e) running for 10 minutes, does it complete?
- can you compute pow(c, 10000)? how long does that take?
- how about pow(c, 1000)?
Date User Action Args
2020-12-29 12:21:01steven.dapranosetrecipients: + steven.daprano, minipython
2020-12-29 12:21:01steven.dapranosetmessageid: <>
2020-12-29 12:21:01steven.dapranolinkissue42779 messages
2020-12-29 12:21:01steven.dapranocreate