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Author tinyaoqi
Recipients brett.cannon, pitrou, timhoffm, tinyaoqi
Date 2020-12-27.01:42:41
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
In Pathlib, we have functions "with_name()""with_stem()""with_suffix()" to modify the file name in the path.

In issue21798:"Allow adding Path or str to Path", it actually also want to modify the file name, that is "appand string to file name".

if with_stem() more cumbersome as:
path.with_name(path.stem + '_v2' + path.suffix)

why not have a function with_xxxx() more cumbersome as:
path.with_name( + "_name.dat")
Date User Action Args
2020-12-27 01:42:41tinyaoqisetrecipients: + tinyaoqi, brett.cannon, pitrou, timhoffm
2020-12-27 01:42:41tinyaoqisetmessageid: <>
2020-12-27 01:42:41tinyaoqilinkissue40148 messages
2020-12-27 01:42:41tinyaoqicreate