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Author eric.smith
Recipients Dennis Sweeney, berker.peksag, eric.smith, miss-islington, ravi-misra, sblondon, serhiy.storchaka
Date 2020-12-20.00:03:02
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
New changeset 24862b02dfd1e2843727f28fa2ba05828fdfa8de by Miss Islington (bot) in branch '3.8':
bpo-41724: Explain when the conversion is not possible with detect_types enabled (GH-23855) (GH-23863)
Date User Action Args
2020-12-20 00:03:02eric.smithsetrecipients: + eric.smith, berker.peksag, serhiy.storchaka, sblondon, miss-islington, Dennis Sweeney, ravi-misra
2020-12-20 00:03:02eric.smithsetmessageid: <>
2020-12-20 00:03:02eric.smithlinkissue41724 messages
2020-12-20 00:03:02eric.smithcreate