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Author gwr
Recipients BTaskaya, Yonatan Goldschmidt, abarbu, alanc, brett3, cgrzemba, gaige, giampaolo.rodola, gwr, ijdt.editor, jcea, jclulow, jgardner100, jm650, jomasoftmarcel, jorge.schrauwen, kulikjak, marcheschi, mariuspana, michael.laspina, mimi.vx, olafbohlen, omnios, otis, pablogsal, pfirmsto, predrag.zecevic.1961, rhettinger, robertdfrench, siepkes, tbalbers, terry.reedy,, vstinner, wiedi, yanchii
Date 2020-11-02.17:45:18
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
I can understand the frustrations around dealing with minority platforms, but please remember that the illumos project ( is basically the inheritor of problems around "Build on Solaris" for 3rd party software like Python.  There are several OS distributions based on illumos that would be impacted by removing the ability to (easily) build Python. I'm confident we can find some people to help maintain build-bots etc. if that's what it takes.  If you're still looking for such help, let me know and I'll ask on for volunteers.

Thanks!  -GWR
Date User Action Args
2020-11-02 17:45:19gwrsetrecipients: + gwr, rhettinger, terry.reedy, jcea, vstinner, giampaolo.rodola, pablogsal, BTaskaya, kulikjak,, gaige, Yonatan Goldschmidt, wiedi, mimi.vx, jclulow, omnios, pfirmsto, alanc, brett3, robertdfrench, jm650, tbalbers, mariuspana, siepkes, cgrzemba, marcheschi, abarbu, predrag.zecevic.1961, jorge.schrauwen, olafbohlen, otis, yanchii, michael.laspina, ijdt.editor, jomasoftmarcel, jgardner100
2020-11-02 17:45:19gwrsetmessageid: <>
2020-11-02 17:45:19gwrlinkissue42173 messages
2020-11-02 17:45:18gwrcreate