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Provider Launchpad appears to be down

Author gvanrossum
Date 2001-03-22.00:33:06
SpamBayes Score
Marked as misclassified
Logged In: YES 

I question the wisdom of this change.  It suggests that the
time module would support old dates, while in fact it has
almost no support for dates before 1970. The only thing it
would add is that you can use asctime() and strftime() for
dates before 1900, but I doubt that that is very useful
without full support. (E.g. you can't calculate what day of
the week 1/1/1800 is even with this change.)

So I'm rejecting this -- better catch bogus inputs early.
Date User Action Args
2007-08-23 13:53:29adminlinkissue407180 messages
2007-08-23 13:53:29admincreate