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Author veky
Recipients John Belmonte, Manjusaka, ethan.furman, veky
Date 2020-10-13.10:19:45
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
Again, I disagree. `str` used to work like this in Py2.0 (or somewhere around then), only 'x' was in 'xyz', not 'xy'. Then Guido came to his senses. :-)

This is not set theory, this is mereology. You don't differentiate between a digit and a one-digit number, a char and a one-char string, and in the same way you shouldn't differentiate between a bit and a one-bit flag.
Date User Action Args
2020-10-13 10:19:46vekysetrecipients: + veky, ethan.furman, Manjusaka, John Belmonte
2020-10-13 10:19:45vekysetmessageid: <>
2020-10-13 10:19:45vekylinkissue38250 messages
2020-10-13 10:19:45vekycreate